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Showing posts from January, 2018

What makes a Machine Intelligent? Human Intelligence!

Background Before we can speak if machine intelligence we need to talk a little about human intellegence. In our day to day life an othewise mundane task that is performed smartly would immediately earn the performer of the task a tag of intelligence. In some sense intelliegence is relative, contextual and even dependent on the person’s age and other attrributes. For example, if a child is able to open a closed box by unhooking the latch, the child could be attributed as being intelligent, however the same task performed by an adult would not attract any intellectual tag. So in some sense, a task performed by a person when it is not expected of him because of his qualification or his age or any other personal trait is often envisaged as intelligence. Subsequently, the same task can be performed by different humans in different ways – even if they belong to the same “category” - in such an event the most optimized way in which the task is done is often thought of as being...