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Showing posts from September, 2018

Engineering College Department Improvements

Background Being an industry representative of several Departmental Advisory Board (DAB) meetings, I am often presented the achievements of the department (in an Engineering college) and then asked to give suggestion on ways they can improve the overall performance of the department. Most often there are other acclaimed representatives from academic institutes in addition to the departmental staff and the college alumni, current students and in some cases the parents of the student. It is a healthy mix of in terms of age range and also the stake holders. Generally these meetings go on for about 120 minutes. The Need While it is possible that DAB meetings are mandated by the AICTE  it does benefit the department if ofcourse the ideas get implemented or accepted by the management especially because these implementations have a cost implications. My suggestions (not structured on purpose) Be more visible on the social media. While there is possibility of being criticized by ...

External Examiner of a Masters Thesis

Background I often receive requests for examining thesis (mostly Masters in Engineering). Nothing to do with me, but to do with  my current job profile! Note This my incomplete list of Do's and Don't. Mostly written in one sitting. Why am I writing it? After having had to go through some painfully lengthy presentations which spoke more about the literature and less of what the student actually did!  And having had to listen to several supervisor say "I am not actually the project supervisor and I had to step in because of " to avoid any responsibility of what is being presented! I thought these tips will help the student plan in advance and speak their best. Since I interact with the supervisor who organizes the evaluation. I will write as if I am addressing the supervisor; but the student should, they were to read, get the intent.  Few Suggestions Please have the student do the following  Start with 10 minutes demonstration if there is somethi...