rect2circ.c is a small piece of C code based on OpenCV to convert a panoramic image into a circular image. My idea was to convert a speech signal recorded for a long duration of time continuously to be represented in a way the time during which it was recorded. In the below image it is between 10 and 5. While this is simple, I did not find anything readily available and hence write this small piece of C code using OpenCV . The usage (when compiled) is Usage: ./rect2circ -> an input rectangle image -> output circular image -> start time (0 .. 12) -> number of hours (0 .. 12) -> inner radius (0 .. 200) The source code. /*====== Convert a panoramic image into a circular image. La updated by Sunil Kumar Kopparapu at 21/10/2013 (23:07) ===== */ #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "math.h" #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/cxcore.h" #include ...