rect2circ.c is a small piece of C code based on OpenCV to convert a panoramic
image into a circular image.
My idea was to convert a speech signal recorded for a long duration of time continuously
to be represented in a way the time during which it was recorded. In the below image it is between 10 and 5.
While this is simple, I did not find anything readily available and hence write this small piece of C code using OpenCV. The usage (when compiled) is

to be represented in a way the time during which it was recorded. In the below image it is between 10 and 5.

While this is simple, I did not find anything readily available and hence write this small piece of C code using OpenCV. The usage (when compiled) is
Usage: ./rect2circThe source code.-> an input rectangle image -> output circular image -> start time (0 .. 12) -> number of hours (0 .. 12) -> inner radius (0 .. 200)
/*====== Convert a panoramic image into a circular image. La updated by Sunil Kumar Kopparapu at 21/10/2013 (23:07) ===== */ #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "math.h" #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/cxcore.h" #include "opencv/highgui.h" #define FAIL -1 #define DISPLAY 0 #define COMMENT 0 #define my_min(x,y)(xy?x:y) #define PI 4*atan(1.0) #define a_RADIUS 100 int main(int argc, char** argv) { IplImage *im = 0; int height,width,step,channels; uchar *data; int i,j,k; int out_height; int c_x, c_y, X, Y, x, y; int radius = -1, my_radius, a_radius; double span = -1.0, start = -1.0; double i_span = -1.0, i_start = -1.0; IplImage *out = 0; if(argc != 6){ fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"\t -> an input rectangle image\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t -> output circular image\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t -> start time (0 .. 12)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t -> number of hours (0 .. 12)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t -> inner radius (0 .. 200)\n"); return(FAIL); } im = cvLoadImage(argv[1], 1); if(!im) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to Read %s\n",argv[1]); return(FAIL); } else { height = im->height; width = im->width; step = im->widthStep; channels = im->nChannels; data = (uchar *)im->imageData; fprintf(stderr,"Processing %s, %d x %d image with %d channels\n",argv[1], height, width, channels); if(DISPLAY) { cvShowImage("Original", im); cvWaitKey(0); } } /* Create the output image */ a_radius = atoi(argv[5]); if(a_radius < 0) a_radius = a_RADIUS; radius = (a_radius + im->height); i_start = atof(argv[3]); i_span = atof(argv[4]); if(i_start < 0.0) { i_start = 0.0; } start = 2.0*(i_start/12.0)*PI; if(i_span <0 .0="" adius:="" argv="" channels="" d="" f="" fprintf="" i_span="12.0;" if="" image="" ipl_depth_8u="" n="" out-="" out="cvCreateImage(cvSize(out_height," out_height="" radius="" reating="" s="" span="" start="" stderr="" with="" x="">height, out->width, out->nChannels); fprintf(stderr,"Clock display starts at %.2f and displays for %.2f hours\n", i_start, i_span); c_x = (int) (out->height/2); c_y = (int) (out->width/2); if(COMMENT) fprintf(stderr,"center: %d %d\n",c_x,c_y); for (x=0; x< im->width; x++){ for(y=0; y< my_max(1,im->height); y++){ my_radius = radius - y; X = my_radius*sin((((float)x/(float)im->width)*span)+start); Y = my_radius*cos((((float)x/(float)im->width)*span)+start); X = c_x + X; Y = c_y - Y; for (k=0; k< my_max(1,channels); k++){ out->imageData[Y*(out->widthStep) + X*channels + k] =im->imageData[y*(im->widthStep) + x*channels + k]; } } } cvSaveImage(argv[2], out, 0); if(DISPLAY) { cvShowImage("Output", out); cvWaitKey(0); } return(1); } 0>