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Showing posts from January, 2016

Speech to Text Using IBM Watson from Command Line

This is more like a personal notes for my reference. If it assists anyone it is a bonus. Assumed that  You have created an account on blue-mix You have obtained the user-id and password (I will call them your_userid , your_password ) You have a speech file called speech.wav  You desire to obtain the transcript in the file  transcribed_speech.txt You have installed curl on your machine You are not behind a Then from the command (long) line using curl   curl -u your_userid : your_password -X POST --header "Content-Type: audio/wav" --header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" --data-binary @ speech.wav > transcribed_speech.txt should create  the best according to watson speech to text engine transcription of the audio  speech.wav in the file  transcribed_speech.txt if you are behind a firewall with  p_user as the user-id and p_pass...